Who are House of Seaweed?
First and foremost, we’re a processing hub for the seaweed industry, established in August 2023. We wild harvest seaweed along a 30km stretch of the beautiful East Neuk coastline and purchase seaweed from West Coast Farmers. We have Soil Association Organic accreditation, SALSA accreditation and in 2024, registered House of Seaweed Incorporated as a business in the United States.
Our house is made up of people with varied backgrounds and careers, it’s a great team, full of enthusiasm and dedication- we have a lot of fun together. From food manufacturing, commercial sales & recruitment to fresh produce and snack manufacturing, we each bring new perspectives, skills and experiences to the business. Everyone’s path to the seaweed industry has been different, but what holds us together is a shared drive for the opportunities seaweed holds and the benefits it brings. We are all captivated by the challenge and excited about the environmental and societal impact we can make as a crew together.